Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A brief work interlude

Based on every piece of information I had been given the interview process was over this past Friday for the position I applied for.  People were supposed to start hearing back on Monday.
Talking to the other guy in my store, whom I expect they will offer the job to, neither of us have heard anything back.

Right now I am happy about that because another position has popped up at a different store that I would like infinitely better. It's in a department that I'm a whole lot more experienced in which will help the learning curve a ton.  It's also just one department instead of multiple.  When I made it to work yesterday I had an email from my HR stating that this other position was open and that I needed to apply for it.

It's tough to gauge if they think I'm ready and are just trying to help get me promoted or just want to get my ass out of the store :)

I'm really looking forward to my company coming into town this Saturday and as such this week is going to drag out like a bad horror movie, like the opening scene to Jeepers Creepers where they run over the bad guy about 14 times and extend the scene by an additional painful 25 minutes or whatever... yeah, it feels like that.

My Horrorscope today straight from Facebook:

Hope that others will understand that you don't want to take on too much today. In order to maintain an inner equilibrium, you need time off occasionally and should do it now. Having a few hours of free time will cheer you up and your friends will be happy too! By having a meal together you can have a good talk to them.

So yes, I do not want to do any work today - you don't have to be some damned star gazing psychotic to know that about me.  My inner child wants me to call in sick and play hooky while watching Dexter Season 3 and sprinkling in some Skylanders Cloud Patrol on my Kindle Fire.

I don't believe in horrorscopes because they are just wanky generic bullshit - but my old Psychotic friend from Australia whom I haven't talked to since my College days was good enough to have me convinced otherwise.  She had an amazing ability to give me information about my personal life or just ask questions about certain people that made it seem plausible.  Kinda miss that kooky chick!

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