Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fitbit Update Number 4

For the week from 9/2/13 - 9/8/13

Total Steps: 82,963
Daily Average 11,852
Best Day 21,541

Total Distance 39.05 Miles
Daily Average 5.58 Miles
Best Day 10.27 Miles

Total Calories Burned 22,329
Daily Average 3,190
Best Day 4,085

Lightest Day 217.9
Heaviest 223

Average Sleep 6 hours 19 minutes

It's kind of Funny that I had two 20k days and yet this ended up being my worst week overall.  I was really lazy on my days off which killed my average a good deal.

However - I am close to my wanted daily average of 12,500 and I am going over 5 miles every day.
I'm going to up my goal to 6 miles and see where that takes me.
I'm not sure how many steps it would take to get there so I'll up my goal in steps to 13,500 for now.

Also, I'm inching away towards hitting 215 pounds.  It'll come, it'll come.


  1. Keep working those pounds off. Look out 215, then 210.

    1. Thanks.
      It's funny that my fiance told me last night that she is happy where I am. she just wanted me to be healthier....
      However now that I'm down this month I really want to keep going. I didn't think that would be the case.

  2. dude. dont get like these ppl that get so anal about their weight.the important thing is do u feel good about yrself.

    1. Not being anal, just have a goal I'm trying to hit for the wedding/honeymoon.
      After that I'll just work on maintaining
